Robertson's Flowers

Robertson's Flowers

Posted by robertsonsflowers on August 25, 2017 | Last Updated: August 29, 2017 Uncategorized

Floral Designs for Grandparents Day

Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. ~Welsh Proverb

Established by Congress in 1978, Grandparents Day began as a grassroots effort to help to preserve family histories. A mother and grandmother from West Virginia had the original idea, but her vision was far from commercial. Marian McQuade’s dream was that people would use the day to gather together, share family stories and history, and honor “the keepers of the legacy” – grandparents and older generations.

She also saw this as a wonderful opportunity for grandchildren to show their appreciation and love for their grandparents. If your Grandma or Grandpa is a special person in your life, September 10 is the day to celebrate them. 

Grandparents Day

Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent. ~Donald A. Norberg

Grandparents have a very positive influence on our lives. Studies have shown that a child who grows up with an involved grandparent will be a more confident and self-assured adult. Experts have determined that having an additional source of love and comfort beyond parents allows a child to feel more secure. They are therefore more likely to try new things and not be deterred by setbacks as much as children who do not have extended family.

When parents become grandparents, they also tend to make efforts to strengthen the relationship with their adult children as well, improving the family dynamic overall. For all they do to build lasting and loving relationships, we honor these special people! grandparents day

Did You Know? Far from the stereotypical gray haired grandma and grandpa, the average age of the first time grandparent in the United States is 48. Given that most people this age are still very active, their grandkids are gaining the extra benefit of grandparents who ride roller coasters and run marathons. Some things never change, however – 85% of grandmothers still bake cookies with their grandchildren!

floral designs for grandparents day

If your grandparents live in Philadelphia or across the miles, Grandparents Day is the perfect time to let them know just how amazing they are.  The floral designs from Robertson’s Flowers are just as unique and beautiful as they are – so browse our collections, give us a call, and make sure your Mom Mom and Pop Pop are showered with love.